Happy February!

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all been well! I’ve been okay. Some tough weather here recently, but some rain got rid of a lot of snow, so now there’s more room in the driveway. More room for me to throw more snow during our next storm :(

Not so much interesting in my life the past two weeks! I’ve been a bit sick, but I’m mostly recovered now. But here’s a peek at one of my favourite dishes to make: mini-pizzas!

First, I put pizza sauce (marinara) on English muffins!

Next is a later of spicy pepperoni!

Then I put (maybe a bit too much!) mozzarella cheese on top…

And cook it in the oven until the cheese is golden!

Interesting fact: Canadian stoves use Fahrenheit. Even though Canada uses the metric system in many ways (kilometers, food portions in grams, etc.), we also use the American Imperial measuring system for other tasks (height in feet, weight in pounds, etc.).

Also, I recently just posted my 80th lesson on the website! It’s exhausting making so many lessons, but I think they’re turning out nicely! Even if I miss some tiny mistakes now and then @.@


A difficult February!


Almost done January!