A difficult February!

Hello everyone! I’m sorry my blog has been quiet recently. We got hit with a killer snow storm; I’ve already shown some of you this picture, but here is what my driveway looked like the day after a 3-day storm!

So I had to shovel several times, and since then - about two weeks ago - my back has been super sore! @.@

In happier news, I was lucky enough to get some wonderful Chocolates from my students that I had in Japan! They were DELICIOUS, probably the best chocolates I’ve ever eaten from Japan!

I’m so lucky to have amazing students, both in the past, and right now! So if you’re reading this, you’ve made my life happier! :)

Finally, a bit of good news! I did some research on taxes in Canada, and I was able to get out of paying some tax! That’s why all of my prices are now 10% cheaper! It’s not a huge difference, but it saves you all a bit of money, and makes book keeping a little easier for me! :)

Now, it’s snowing again, so I need to go to bed and hope I don’t need to shovel so much tomorrow @.@

Let me know how the weather is in your area!! :D

Oh! I almost forgot! I’m dieting again, and I started January 2024 at 115 kilos. But now I’m at 105! My goal is to get back to 100 kilos by the end of March, here’s hoping!


“Putting my nose to the grindstone”


Happy February!