About Will

Hey! My name is Will Marshall, and I’ve been teaching English since 2016. It’s been a goal of mine since high school, but since getting a taste of it, it’s become my full-time passion!

I first taught English in Korea in 2012, but it wasn’t for long; only 1 month. But it was enough to inspire me to finish university and start my true dream; to teach English in Japan!

In 2016, I finally made it, and started to teach with NOVA through their online system, Ochanoma. There, I met many wonderful students, some of whom I hope will see this!

In 2023, after 7 years, many changes, Coronavirus, and hot summers, I decided that it was time to move home to Canada. I missed my family too much!

So now, here I am, but my passion for English hasn’t changed. I hope you’ll join me on this new chapter, and make your English ability truly shine!