Almost done January!

Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been a while since my last blog. I’ve been a bit busy (and recently sick!) so not many interesting things have happened for me.

I made some cookies for me and my husband last week . They were very delicious, but they made me “fall behind on” my diet. “Fall behind on” means to lose progress, or have a setback.

Some were chocolate chip, others were chocolate chip with walnut!

I also put posters up around town on bus stops and at my local university. I hope I can get some local students as well as my lovely Japanese students!

So far, there are no new students…

I also created and launched the new Invite program, so if any of you know anyone who would like to learn English with me, check your email for the details! :D

As for right now, it’s -30 C here in Canada. So I’m gonna go to bed and try to get over this cold! See you all soon!!


Happy February!


The first big snow storm…