Some summer hikes!

Hello everyone! Happy August! I hope you’ve all been well! As for me, I spent most of July with my friend who was visiting, so I haven’t been so active making blog posts or videos. I’ll slowly “get back in the saddle”! It’s an idiom that means “start doing something again, after stopping for some time".”

So after our camping, the next thing we did was go hiking . In my hometown, there are a series of trails called the “East Coast Trail”. Of course, it’s on the east coast of my home province!

Our first trek was from the top of Signal Hill to the bottom. It’s pretty short, but there were beautiful views!

You can see Signal Hill on the right, with Cabot Tower on top! And to the left is the harbour. The entrance to the harbour is called The Narrows, where every ship needs to pass to get to the dock.

This is the scariest part of the trail, only a chain to hold on to, and it was VERY windy!

But Signal Hill was just a warm up! Next, we wanted to walk to Cape Spear, the most eastern point in North America!

But Google Maps is VERY misleading; it was NOT a 3.5 hour hike! It took us 6 hours to get 75% of the way there! We ended up stopping in a tiny village called Blackhead.

Can you see Cabot Tower in the far distance?

This type of land is called a “sandbar” (even though these are rocks, not sand!). It allowed us to take a shortcut through the bay, instead of walking all the way around. However, the rocks were very uneven, and we were a bit scared!

After many hours of some difficult hiking, we found Blachead! Can you see it in the distance?

After 6 hours of hiking, we were both pretty tired, but in high spirits. I was happy I could still do a long hike, since the last time I did was at Mt. Fuji in Japan! (1 year ago!)

The next weekend, we decided to finish the hike, from Blackhead to Cape Spear!

I didn’t take many pictures, but you can see the iconic lighthouse in the distance!

That was about it for me! I plan on going hiking and camping some more during the summer, but I need to get better at taking pictures… I never spent much time in my life trying to take pictures, but recently I’ve tried to get better at it.

But I hope you enjoy some of the beautiful spots in my home province! :)


Trail maintenance


A camping excursion!