A camping excursion!

Hey everyone! I’m back from my vacation! It was a wet and rainy one, so let’s talk about it in stages!

We went to a national park called Gros Morne. It’s a beautiful section of land on the west coast of Newfoundland, that I’d never been to before! However, to get there, it was a VERY long drive:

So for the long trip, we stocked up on supplies; donuts! Maybe you know this famous Canadian cafe chain, Tim Hortons! (My friend took many of these photos, so you’ll see me in many!)

It was a wet drive, but we wanted to make a quick stop at a famous tourist place to see Newfoundland’s provincial bird, the puffin!

We’d been trying to see puffins for a while, and when we got there, it seemed we wouldn’t see any… but we got to the end of the path and we saw so many!!

After this detour, we continued on our way to Gros Morne. There was a lot of beauitful nature on the way. In my area, there are NO mountains, only hills. So when I saw these mountains in the distance, I was shocked!

Finally, we got to the camp site, and the first step was to set up the tent. It had rained a few times, so we wanted to make sure we set it up before it started to rain again! Sorry I don’t have any in-progress pictures, but here it is!

There was also a HUGE sandy beach, also VERY rare in Newfoundland, so it was so special for me to see! You can see the Atlantic Ocean there (it was very cold!)

The next day, we got up and had breakfast. But I realized that I forgot a few things, so it made the process more difficult… But I made it work!

Then we spent the day walking around some local trails. Here are some pictures!

The next day, we wanted to go to one of the most famous places in Canada, L’anse aux Meadows. It’s famous as the site where the Vikings landed in 1,000 AD! It’s the first proven European contact with North America! It was another long drive away, but it was worth it!

Unfortunately, that’s about the most exciting parts of the trip. We saw that the weather for the next few days would be really rainy, so we decided it wouldn’t be worth it to stay in the tent for 2 days in the heavy rain. We returned home directly from L’anse aux Meadows, which was a REALLY long drive:

But we eventually made it home! It wasn’t a very successful trip, but I learned a lot from it, and had some unforgettable experiences! I’m looking forward to the chance when I can go camping again, maybe a bit closer next time!


Some summer hikes!


Summer Vacation~!