Lorethian . Lorethian .

Christmas and New Years!

Hello everyone! Happy New Year!! A little bit of a late update here, but I thought I’d show you all what my Christmas dinner with my family looked like!

Turkey, ham, and stuffing (stuffing is a savory bread mixture that is often cooked inside the turkey, and taken out after. Many people like it, but I don’t!)

Here is what most people would have had. Potatoes, carrots, and gravy (special pineapple gravy for the ham too!). Though my plate had no carrots or stuffing…

Here is another picture of me, my dad, my stepmom, and for the first time, my husband, Nick!

We’re wearing paper crowns from Christmas crackers, small tube that you pull apart and it makes a loud POP! sound. Inside, there is a cheap toy, a fortune, and a paper crown!

So that was my December 25th. After that, it was a lot of relaxing, and shoveling, as we had a bit more snow fall than we had earlier last month.

And of course, last night was New Year’s Eve, so here’s what my neighbourhood looked like!

I hope everyone has a wonderful 2024! Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being here with me on this exciting journey! I can’t wait to see you all more in the next year, and the years to come after that!!

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Lorethian . Lorethian .

Almost Christmas!

Hello everyone! How is your December so far? Remember all of that snow I showed you before? Well, it’s all melted now! It looks like it won’t be a white Christmas after all…

But I’ve wrapped all the presents I needed to! Some are for friends, and some are for family. After not being home for 7 years, it feels good to do Christmas shopping again, and give these to people in my life to put under their Christmas tree! (I didn’t put up my tree this year… next year for sure!)

And here’s another of my favourite holiday traditions; egg nog! It’s a thick, creamy milk type drink, with nutmeg and egg. It’s very delicious, and I never found any in Japan.

Behind, you can see a Canadian specialty; ketchup chips! They used to be my favourite, but nowadays I like Dill Pickle chips more!

Anyway, I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, and a very nice New Year! I hope I can continue to see you all in lessons, and to see more of you too!

(Remember the coupon code, “HAPPY2024” ! It’s good until Januar 14th!)

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Lorethian . Lorethian .

Group Lessons, and small price change

Hello everyone!

So I’m getting ready to add group lessons! I’m excited to offer it. However, while I was looking, I found I made a small error with the transaction fees for Stripe and PayPal, and the fee should be 5%, not 6%. It’s a tiny amount (about 30 yen per lesson), but it’s still a little bit annoying and too much money for you, my lovely students. So because of that mix up, and because group lessons will be added, I will have a 24%-off coupon that you can use once. It will be good for any lesson, man-to-man or group! (but not the bundles, sorry!)

I will send out an email soon with the news, but if you see the blog, you’ll have an early alert ;)

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Lorethian . Lorethian .

Small Snowstorm

We were hit with a little bit of a snow storm yesterday. It wasn’t too bad, but it was enough that I felt I should shovel the driveway. My husband and one of our housemates has a car, so even though I can’t drive, it’s important to keep it clear.

If I didn’t shovel regularly, the small layers of snow would freeze into a difficult surface to shovel in the future, so I’m gonna try to shovel every time it snows even a bit! Usually it takes hours and hours, but this time, it wasn’t so bad, about 15 minutes.

It’s going to be a loooong winter @.@

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Lorethian . Lorethian .

Getting Started

Today is November 26th, and I’ve just put my website live! It’s still very new, but I hope you all enjoy it as you can see it!

I’ve been working hard creating lessons during this month; I’ve created 50 so far, with more on the way!

The weather here in Canada is much colder than what I’d gotten used to in Japan; every day it’s below 0 C, and we get a liiiittle bit of snow every day. So far, it hasn’t lasted long, but that’ll change very soon.

For all of you reading this, please let me know what ideas you’d like to see added to the site! I’m excited to have you all on this journey with me, even if it’s a little scary!

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