A boatrace!
Hello again everyone! I’m still catching up on the busy early August that I had! After the trail maintenance at the beginning of the month, on August 7th, I went to the Royal St. John’s Regatta!
It’s a yearly event where many vendors come. The main attraction isn’t even really the boatrace, it’s the games and the crowds and the “spectacle” (“Spectacle” means some unusual or wonderful thing to see).
As for the vendors, there were many types! Many were fundraising for some group, volunteering, or just families looking to earn some money.
I managed to catch the beginning of one of the races, but I hardly even paid attention to any of them! But it is rather famous; people from different countries come to compete!
And that was about it for my time at the Regatta. Do you have any events like this in your hometown? Let me know! :)