A boatrace!

Hello again everyone! I’m still catching up on the busy early August that I had! After the trail maintenance at the beginning of the month, on August 7th, I went to the Royal St. John’s Regatta!

This is a boatrace held every year, on the first Wednesday of August.  Of course, because the weather is unpredictable in my hometown, the Regatta often gets delayed, but this year, the weather was perfect!

It's held at Quidi Vidi (pronounced "kid-ee vid-ee") Lake, not far from Signal Hill!

I started at the arrow in the above picture, and the video below is what I saw!

It’s a yearly event where many vendors come. The main attraction isn’t even really the boatrace, it’s the games and the crowds and the “spectacle” (“Spectacle” means some unusual or wonderful thing to see).

Shaved ice and cotton candy, very common sites at fairs!  The portions are MUCH smaller than Japan's kakigoori!

Domino's even had a booth, so I got some pizza!  (I don't trust many of the smaller vendors, I didn't want to get sick...)

Later, I had some french fries, though I had to wait a long time for the ketchup...

And later on, I had a samosa, an Indian dish!  You can see Signal Hill in the distance!

As for the vendors, there were many types! Many were fundraising for some group, volunteering, or just families looking to earn some money.

This is called a "dunk tank", you want to throw a ball at the target, and if you hit, the girl in the cage falls in the water! (It was a warm day, and she volunteered to be there, so it's okay!)

Of course, many games of skill... though it's usually known that these types of games are "rigged", they are designed to be VERY difficult to actually do (like "crane games", or UFO catchers!).

A cute little fishing game!

Local crafts also on sale!

And I bought some fudge (I didn't take pictures... I was too busy eaying it!).  They were soooo sweet!

I managed to catch the beginning of one of the races, but I hardly even paid attention to any of them! But it is rather famous; people from different countries come to compete!

And that was about it for my time at the Regatta. Do you have any events like this in your hometown? Let me know! :)


Another hike!


Trail maintenance